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Innovation Insight: DTCC’s Project Ion

By DTCC Connection Staff | 5 minute read | October 13, 2022

In August, DTCC announced that Project Ion, a new initiative designed to leverage distributed ledger technology (DLT), became operational in pilot as an MVP (minimum viable product), providing a parallel record and infrastructure for over 100,每天00笔双边交易在DTC经典结算系统中结算——多达160笔,000 transactions being recorded on a peak day. 现有的“经典”DTC结算系统仍然是所有证券交易账簿和记录的权威来源,并负责处理现金和证券的流动.

Related: Recapping the Latest Accelerating to T+1 Session

This private, 许可平台是与许多世界领先的市场参与者和技术提供商公司合作开发的.

DTCC Connection sat down with Karen Duffy, DTCC Managing Director and Head of IT SIFMU & Risk Delivery, IT Infrastructure, and Michele Hillery, General Manager of DTCC Equity Clearing and DTC Settlement Services, to learn more about DTCC’s innovations in technology, 以及Ion项目的发展,作为当今vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业股票结算中最大的DLT计划之一.

DC: What is Project Ion?

MHIon项目是一项新举措,旨在利用DLT进行结算,同时维护DTCC严格的弹性和安全标准. Currently in pilot as an MVP (minimum viable product), Ion项目为DTC参与者之间在DTC经典结算系统上的日间双边股权证券交割提供了一个并行账本.

The existing “classic” DTC settlement system, which we know as our traditional settlement system, 保持权威来源,并负责处理现金和证券的实际流动和交换.

KD: In essence, Project Ion的MVP被设计成并行的书籍和基础设施, 展示了反映DTC经典系统中发生的特定活动的能力. 它还展示了可伸缩性,在高峰日记录了160,000个事务的峰值. It is not facilitating any transaction processing, 但我们对这一举措的进展感到非常高兴,这是迄今为止最大的DLT实施之一.

还需要注意的是,Project Ion使用的平台是在DTCC托管和管理的, which was critical for us to ensure the safety and security of the system.

DC:客户是否需要Project Ion结算平台来实现行业T+1的加速结算?

KD: No. 在与监管机构的协调下,该行业正准备缩短美国的监管期限.S. standard settlement cycle for securities to T+1 in 2024, but Project Ion is not related to those efforts specifically. That said, Ion项目的构建是为了支持与DTC经典系统相同的结算时间框架,并且以结算时间不可知的方式交付, including T+1, T+2, T+0 and more.

如果我们能从头开始重新设计清拆和定居点的基础设施会怎么样, with no pre-conceived notions, limitations, or processes – what would it look like?

DC:vns6060威尼斯城官网原子结算、实时总结算(RTGS)和T+0有很多讨论. Are these all the same things and how do they relate to Project Ion?

MH这引起了一些混淆,因为有些人把这两个词混用了, but they speak to different settlement cycles. 原子结算是在DLT上立即和同时交付数字证券与现金,而RTGS是相同的概念, except it involves traditional assets – not digital ones. T+0 is considered end-of-day settlement on trade date. 这三种加速解决方案的共同点是,它们都需要对现有基础设施进行重大改革, including changes to business models, 监管改革,甚至可能采用实时汇率变动. 业界已经明确表示,目前的重点是将T+1作为行业标准结算周期.

That said, 业内有一些公司正在制定更快的时间表, even today, 根据他们自己的需求和流程来利用DTC经典系统,但目前整个行业还没有达成共识,要将其转移到T+1之外.

From a Project Ion perspective, Project Ion is being built to support a netted T+0 settlement cycle, as well as T+2, T+1 and extended settlement cycles. Project Ion目前并不是为了支持原子结算或RTGS而开发的, 直到有共识认为这些是行业所需要的能力.

DC: DTCC为什么认为投资DLT等新兴技术很重要?

KD我们相信,对金融科技解决方案的投资不仅可以使市场基础设施提供商实现基础设施的现代化, 但也要在保护全球金融体系的同时提供新的价值和能力. DTCC的目标-一如既往-是投资于技术,为我们的客户提供最高的价值和能力,同时提供所有的安全性, resiliency, and soundness that we are known for.

For the Project Ion effort, DTCC与领先的企业技术提供商R3合作开发并推出了Project Ion平台, leveraging R3’s Corda DLT software.

DC: What’s next for DTCC in terms of modernizing processes and Project Ion?

MH: As part of DTCC’s modernization efforts, 我们正在重新思考如何利用现有技术优化整个公司的流程, updating processes, and adopting newer fintech. Our focus is on developing innovative strategies that incorporate updated, flexible, modern, and scalable technology to improve processes, reduce cost and risk, and enhance efficiencies for DTCC and our clients.

我们的现代化战略就像一块空白的白板:如果我们能从头开始重新设计清关和定居点基础设施会怎么样, with no pre-conceived notions, limitations, or processes – what would it look like? Where are the inefficiencies and points of friction today? 我们如何利用技术投资和创新来提高运营效率和业务弹性? 我们如何利用数据和云基础设施的力量来创造新的价值? 未来还有很多令人兴奋的工作要做,而Project Ion MVP只是一个开始.

KD: With the MVP Project Ion pilot now live, DTCC正与我们的经纪人/交易商和银行客户密切合作,设计分阶段扩展和增强服务,以满足客户和行业的需求和反馈.

