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存连线人员| 5分钟阅读| 2024年2月21日

In its first acquisition in 10 years, 存了 基于区块链的金融基础设施开发商security in December 2023 and renamed the business 存 数字资产. 丹·多尼, security的首席技术官,现在是存数字资产的董事总经理和首席技术官, 监督支撑公司数字资产vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和服务的技术战略,同时确保它们与客户和监管需求同步发展.


唐尼与存 Connection坐下来讨论收购事宜, 他将其描述为区块链“向金融宇宙中心的移动”.

DC:虽然分布式账本技术有望提高全球金融市场的效率和透明度, 这需要颠覆传统的金融体系和基础设施,以及供应商目前的商业模式. 存已经清算了美国大部分证券交易,为什么还要这样做呢.S., acquire Securrency?

DD: 存每天清算约10万亿美元的证券交易. It is the center of the U.S. financial markets. 在区块链方面,存是美国的共识模型.S. financial markets. 这是我们达成各方都同意的共同真理的方式. The problem is – it takes two days.

存正在领导一项重大的、全行业的努力,以推动美国汽车行业的发展.S. financial markets in the coming months from T+2 to T+1. 当然,这将对金融市场产生巨大影响,而不仅仅是在美国.S. 但在全球范围内. And that’s very exciting. 转向一日结算降低了交易风险和与风险相关的成本. The next question is, how do you get from T+1 to T+0, and that’s where the Securrency acquisition comes in.

在区块链, 你有一项令人兴奋的技术,可以让交易在五秒钟或更短的时间内结算. Think about that. 如果我参与一笔交易,所有相关方都会在五秒钟内达成一致. 也就是说我可以在五秒钟后用这些资产进行后续交易. That’s a massive enabler for the financial markets.

拥有代表现金头寸的工具的能力, 大宗商品, 所有资产类别的证券在五秒钟内在区块链轨道上交易是惊人的. 并有机会支持更复杂的回购和证券借贷交易, it's an exciting future.

不仅仅是世界领先的金融市场可以使用这些技术——所有的市场都可以, 包括新兴市场和那些无法接触到复杂金融工具的人. 区块链为每个人提供了一个公平和安全的未来金融市场基础设施. And that's exciting. It offers enormous potential.

DC: On the flipside, why did Securrency need 存?

DD: 金融行业的公司不能完全信任一个初创公司、算法或智能合约. 必须有负责任的各方和支持它的实体. 最后, blockchain needs central securities depositories (CSDs), 像美国存, to enable the trading of securities. The concept of a controller or registrar is not going away. 对于多个区块链,必须有人拥有所有权的全部记录. 并且需要与传统rails具有互操作性.

存所坚持的标准高于区块链目前所能满足的要求. For financial markets to rely on blockchain rails, 这些网络必须达到监管机构的标准. That includes security and 弹性 standards. 美国.S. markets can’t suffer a prolonged outage. With 存’s acquisition of Securrency, 你拥有一流金融市场基础设施提供商的组合, 一项伟大的新技术和增强的能力,使这项技术达到监管机构在合规方面的期望, 弹性, and accountability. 这意味着我们可以利用这种非常强大的技术进行即时结算,并为其提供改变全球金融市场所需的保证. We’re excited to join the fray.


DD: 区块链社区的反应通常是非常兴奋的. This community has long been seeking approval, wanting to be acknowledged as a legitimate, transformational force that appeals to regulators, financial markets and infrastructure providers.

This is the most substantial step in that direction. 说实话, 区块链社区并没有赢得他们多年来一直在寻求的那种尊重. 监管机构一直在努力理解这种新技术,而现实往往证实了监管机构的担忧, such as potential fraud.


DD: Controls are necessary. Institutional backing is necessary. There must be accountability. 如果有人制作了一个智能合约,但你不知道是谁, then there’s no accountability when something goes wrong. If a tiny startup does something wrong or makes a mistake, there’s very little the impacted counterparties can do.

最终, 你通过资产负债表来确保责任,而且资产负债表越大, the more responsibility you can bear. 没有问责制,没有资产负债表,就没有保证. In 存’s case, it is owned by the industry. You have the highest level of assurance.

This deal is a form of validation for blockchain. 区块链社区认识到这是他们获得合法性的途径.

DC:两家公司的文化融合有什么好处? How will the change affect the pace of innovation?

DD: The cultural benefits go in both directions. 你有一个非常兴奋的社区,有着巨大的创新精神,与那些有经验和规模的人聚集在一起,这将改变金融网络.

There is tremendous curiosity within the 存 environment. 人们很高兴身体前倾,而且有很强的团队合作意识, which is super exciting. There's a natural, cautious nature at 存, which – as I mentioned before – is necessary, but teams are determined to get to the next step, to do things the right way and to innovate. 此次收购标志着存从上到下的领导承诺,以确保存成为技术领导者.

G. 丹尼尔·多尼


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